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Goal III: Knowledge Representation

Students are proficient in the theory and application of skills essential for knowledge representation in evolving technology environments, in any chosen area of specialization.


III.a. Students analyze, organize, and describe various formats of information objects.


Organization of Knowledge I - LIS6711: Collection Organization - Metadata Scheme Development

With the ever-increasing necessity for LIS professionals in working with digitally-based resource information, a real information collection of digital aquatic animal images belonging to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation that held no organizational schema was selected for the semester-long group project for organizing an information collection. The completion of this metadata scheme was a process that involved an evaluation of potential collection users, identifying and organizing the information representation, thesaurus development, creating classification schemes, and compiling sample records for review. This in-depth process allowed me to develop critical skills in organizing a variety of information collection types and how to ensure the highest level of accessibility for a variety of potential users.


III.b. Students identify and apply best practices in the use of different technologies for knowledge representation.


Archives & Records Management - LIS6026: Archival Description Using DACS and ArchivesSpace

Within archival and records management, the ability to understand archival description standards and utilize various software technologies ensures the longevity of accessibility as well as increasing the ease of accessibility. Through engaging with ArchivesSpace I was able to practice cataloging my own personal records and create a finding aid. This applied experience was critical to my understanding of the links between archival objects, both physical and digital, and how technology creates representations of these information items for accession, storage, and retrieval purposes. By being able to learn in an applied manner, I developed skills in understanding the necessity of selecting appropriate description standards and creating records for items within the ArchivesSpace that can transfer into other archival and records management software technologies. 

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