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Goal II: Systems and Services

Students understand the systems and technologies that facilitate the management and use of information resources to serve the diverse needs of users.


II.a Students identify and analyze diverse information needs of individuals and communities.


Collection Development & Maintenance - LIS6511: Needs Assessment

In order for the collection within any library to remain relevant and support both the community and user needs, periodical assessment for the needs and wants of both users and stakeholders must be performed based on ever-evolving information needs. The needs assessment will coincide with the Collection Development Policy & Action Plan of the library and information center, working together to ensure relevant and easily accessible information items for users. With a team, a mock needs assessment was performed after evaluating a real-life special library, the collection held within, viewing an interview with the library manager, and identifying probable users and stakeholders. From this experience, I learned the importance of a thorough but simple user survey and the necessity of collection data review done on a regularly scheduled basis. This will assist LIS professionals in making informed decisions regarding collection development based on individual user needs relating to the community where the LIS institution resides to increase accessibility, user traffic, and other improved services.


II.b. Students evaluate and select print and digital information resources and systems to meet the needs of users.


Basic Information Sources & Services - LIS6603: LibGuide - The Therapeutic Library - Bibliotherapy for Adolescent Mental Health

LIS professionals are present within a variety of types of libraries and institutions. Having the ability to research and identify appropriate information resources on diverse subjects is vital for meeting user needs in multiple settings. Working with a team in reviewing and selecting various information resource formats, the creation of this LibGuide allowed me to learn critical evaluation skills for selecting valid information sources without being a subject specialist. (PDF Archived View)


II.c. Students understand and use appropriate information technology for information services.


Metadata - LIS6726C: Creating RDF/XML Metadata Records Using the Software System oXygen

Within all LIS fields, familiarity with technology and information services by the LIS professional is vital to the benefit of the community, users, and institution. Metadata and the abilities of linked data to provide the user community with the greatest wealth of usable information is a key factor for LIS professionals to obtain skills within. By engaging in trial periods with popular software systems, including oXygen, I was able to actively practice creating real metadata records in RDF/XML format for the metadata standard of Dublin Core. Through the metadata course, I learned the various types of metadata for a variety of information object formats and how each of these supports preservation and appropriate user access, as well as how to create extensible metadata that can be built upon and linked to richer descriptions. This course also utilized a group project to create a digital collection of copyright-free materials using the software platform Omeka. Through this project, I was able to engage with metadata creation for digital objects in various formats to create an active website for user-viewing. These engaging activities allowed me to develop a comfortable skillset in metadata creation through multiple schemas and standards that are transferrable to a variety of software applications.

RDF/XML Metadata Record on oXygen Software Screen View

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