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LGBTQ+ Terms Through History

Labels, words, and terms define people as human nature often seeks to categorize. This is true with the way LGBTQ+ books are tagged, categorized, and organized as well as the usage of LGBTQ+ terms used throughout history. This page allows you to review these terms in use today and yesterday for progress tomorrow.

Library of Congress Subject Headings for LGBTQ+

The linked list below features relevant Library of Congress Subject Headings for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex materials. These are terms commonly used in cataloging that can support your researching and accessing LGBTQ+ books and other information materials.


Please note that Library of Congress Subject Headings contains language that differs from present-day use and/or understanding. Please keep in mind that controlled vocabularies ascribe a particular meaning to a term, whereas the language that LGBTQ+ individuals use to describe their experience and identity is dynamic and creative. This site does not condone any damaging terms and these are provided as educational information.

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LGBTQ+ Terms Published Throughout History

Google's NGrams Viewer shows selected terms as published in books from 1500 to 2019. This chart depicts the following selected LGBTQ+ terms in relation to publication using Google Books.

Google NGrams Viewer

Selected terms: Queer, Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Bisexual, Trans, Transgender, Gender Fluid, Agender, Gender queer, Aromantic, Intersex

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